Grande Spirit Foundation’s Leadership and Transparency

Our Board of Directors

Grande Spirit Foundation is continually working to expand and improve housing solutions for seniors and families. Through strategic development and collaboration, our current projects aim to enhance affordability, accessibility, and community well-being across Northern Alberta.

Board members

CAO Steve Madden
County of Grande Prairie Karen Rosvold
City of Grande Prairie Chris Thiessen
MD of Greenview Tom Burton
Saddle Hills County Alvin Hubert
Birch Hills County Albert Poetker
Town of Spirit River Denise Skoworodko
MD of Spirit River Tony van Rootselaar
Town of Beaverlodge Judy Kokotilo-Bekkerus
Town of Wembley Tanya Skinner
Village of Rycroft Joanne Chelick
Town of Sexsmith Jonathan Siggelkow

The Board of Directors are appointed annually from the Member Municipalities at their annual organizational meetings. Appointments are for a one year term. Members may hold consecutive terms of office.

Have Questions?

For inquiries about our board or meeting minutes, feel free to contact us.